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Heaven歌词-Club 8

发布时间:2020年03月29日 23:07:10


歌曲名:Heaven,歌手:Club 8,专辑:The Boy Who Couldn'T Stop Dreaming。Heaven歌词-Club 8


In my early ages

I ran down the stairs

In the morning

No dark rooms

I kept the lights on

And there was noise

When I woke up And

Noise in the evening

It gave me comfort there

So I could bear

Now let the sun shine in

And clouds pass through

I want our sky

To open up here too

Cause I need heaven just like you

In my first years there were sunny days

In the spring and the summer

And when winter came

I was still the same

On summer night opened my eyes

I woke up from a safe life

In a time ahead

No lights would be shed

Now let the sun shine in

And clouds pass through

I want our sky to open up here too

Cause I need heaven just like you

And though I don't remember much

I still feel the same

And through I don't talk that much

There are things to say

But not today

Now let the sun shine in

And clouds pass through

I want our sky to open up here too

Cause I need heaven just like you

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