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honeydew歌词-kt tunstall

发布时间:2020年03月29日 23:08:14


honeydew,kt tunstall演唱。honeydew歌词-kt tunstall


All I want is to be everything to you

You keep telling me it's easy to do

When I think of all the time wasted trying

Never getting through

Now I'm drinking from the honeydew

Give a little give a lot my love

It doesn't matter 'cause it's always enough

Just to know that you are coming over

Beggars my belief

Oh my eyes, you give me sweet relief

When I think of all the time wasted trying

Never getting through

Now I'm drinking from the honeydew

歌词分类:honeydew  kt tunstall  歌词  完整版  演唱
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