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发布时间:2020年03月29日 23:26:11


《Big Big World》是一首1998年的民谣歌曲,由来自瑞典的艾密莉亚·怀得堡Emilia Rydberg)演唱,拉塞·安德森参与编写。曲风伤感,风靡一时,于1998年年底发布。这首歌一炮打响,在欧洲达到了第一名,在许多国家成名,但在美国表现不佳,它仍然在公告牌百强单曲榜底峰。



Big Big World


I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

I can see the first leaf falling

It's all yellow and nice

It's so very cold outside

Like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

Outside it's now raining

And tears are falling from my eyes

Why did it have to happen

Why did it all have to end

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

I have your arms around me warm like fire

But when I open my eyes

You're gone.

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel

that I do do will miss you much

Miss you much.

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do feel that will miss you much

Miss you much.


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