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The Ancient Egyptians歌词-Poi Dog Pondering

发布时间:2020年03月29日 23:03:07

The Ancient Egyptians歌曲简介

The Ancient Egyptians 专辑: Wishing Like A Mountain And Thinking Like The Sea 歌手: Poi Dog PonderingThe Ancient Egyptians歌词-Poi Dog Pondering

The Ancient Egyptians歌词完整版

(A Love Letter to Jonathan Richman)

Well the Ancient Egyptians, and the other Africans

The Mayans, the Incas, and all the Polynesians.

All around the world, a long long time ago,

People would walk, where ever they had to go.

They didn't have car keys, and they didn't have roads --

They didn't have those ugly convenience stores, or Texacos

In fact, all around the world, a long long time ago,

people would walk, where ever they had to go.

Well now it's the 1990's, and the gasoline does flow,

but I still try and walk most of the places I have to go

But sometimes my friends will stop and say,

"Hey Frank! There's a bus or a cab over there...

Why don't we go ahead and get in it?"

But I say no, no, no, and didn't you know,

you get to know things better when they go by slow.

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